
Mobile Moms Need a D.A.T.E.

Leyla Dailey and Molly Garris of Leo Burnett brought up the topic of the mobile mom and how to effectively market to them. They interactively got the audience involved, asking for their marketing expertise, playing out scenarios, and strategizing with attendees. The bottom line is, moms need a D.A.T.E. DEALS ACCESS TIME ENTERTAINMENT After going […]

Engage or Die: Multicultural Millennials Matter

The world will one day become colorblind, and we will all just be beige. As far as millennials are concerned, this day is already here! To reach your target markets, not only do you have to be digital, but your content has to be adaptable, flexible and relevant to all ethinicites. So how exactly do […]

The Future of Non-Profits is Digital

David Neff of PwC Advisory gathered a handful of non-profit professionals to briefly discuss some trends for the future of non-profits at a meet up “What is the Future of Non-Profits?” on the first day of SXSWi. Neff said non-profits should start sending short snippets of information to adhere to millennials and generation Z’s online […]

Think Content First, Navigation Second

In this digital age, everyone is jumping on the digital bandwagon and wanting to be online. Rightfully so! Any company or organization worth its’ salt knows that in order to survive, you must evolve, adapt and embrace change! However, one fundamental thing still remains the same. Content is King! Jon Setzen is a Creative Director […]

parcell presenting at sxsw

Panelist Timothy Parcell spoke Tuesday at SXSW on the topic of experience design. He gave six lessons to the audience through the metaphor of graphic novel artwork and development. The first two lessons were in brand and design. Parcell said a logo or brand image “has to have a set of values behind it.” It […]