
You soon may be able to have your very own personal aerial vehicle that can take where you want to go. This may seem like a far-out idea, but it is actually closer to becoming a reality than you may think. And no, you do not have to a pilot to people to control it. […]

version of the air levitation vehicle

Most people spend a lot of their day sitting miserably in traffic. Not only does sitting in traffic put productive time to waste, but it also continues to damage our earth. UT alumna Deborah Navarro hosted a panel which focused on transportation methods using air-levitation. She and other engineers, part of a research group and […]

'A Wal-Mart for Organs': The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine

A woman in the United Kingdom had issues with her kidneys her whole life. On and off dialysis, too many prescriptions to count, more doctors visits in a year than some people have their whole life. The situation was far less than ideal. When it came time to look into transplants, some good news surfaced: […]

Mr. Tibs from the Imaginary Friends Society's film, "Feeling Sad"

Cancer diagnoses are often followed by feelings of uncertainty, confusion and fear — especially for children. A child is diagnosed with cancer every three minutes, and kids face a lot of procedures, physical changes and emotional struggles as a result. Medical terminology is confusing enough to adults, so for children, battling cancer can be a […]

Day 5: Cheesy Mimosas, More VR, and Supporting Women

Day 5 was, in a way, an amalgamation of everything I had encountered in the previous four days or so. While I had another obligation the next day and would probably be back on Friday, I took delight in enjoying cheese and mimosas, VR experiences in the jungle and on Mars, and a panel that […]

Day 4: Coexist, Animals, and Joan Jett

Today was off to a bumpy start with me forgetting my badge and having to drive back from Austin to retrieve it. The breakfast tacos at The Line offset the stress, though. Panels centered around a theme of calling for peace and unity, as well as the power of animals on digital media. The VR […]