Get Ready to Rumble! How WWE is Crushing Social TV
A Conversation with Elon Musk
Open Web Platforms: Hopes & Fears with Tim Berners-Lee
It’s not everyday you sit less than 50 feet away from the inventor of the web. Yes, inventor of the WORLD WIDE WEB, the platform we use to do pretty much everything now days. Tim Berners-Lee is at SXSW to discuss the importance of the open web during the panel Open Web Platforms: Hopes and Fears. […]
Everything I need to know I learned from Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Vanity Fair Presents Yuri Milner and Bethany McLean
Sources in the Social Media Age
To tweet a source, or not to tweet a source, that is the question. In the age of an overwhelming number of social media platforms the panel, Souces in the Social Media Age discussed the relationship between sources and social media. The panelists included Edmund Lee from Bloomberg news. Greg Galant, creator of Muck Rack […]