
Interview with Mr. Miller and Sheikh Manasra

In an era where it’s commonplace to discriminate against an individual or group with different culture and belief sets out of a fearful prejudice, the movement to reach out and build bonds with those different from us is something that can act as a precursor to peace. Additionally, the building of bonds and overcoming barriers […]

Okay so cheese is my lifeblood, and today I got the literal honor of being able to attend Wisconsin Cheese’s Cheeselandia, SO MANY CHEESES. After that I was able to catch a few panels, one in particular regarding Snap Inc’s use of AR in their lenses, and how that inspiration comes along. My night ended […]

South by Texas State students pose in front of their information table at the Texas State University Innovation Lab reception.

Awesome! Finally wrapped up the third day at SXSW, today was great! As you will see in the video, I attended a couple of panels, stopped by the Lululemon Sweathouse for a guided meditation session to help relax from such an intense weekend, and then ended the night with with Texas State University’s Innovation Lab […]

Day 4: Coexist, Animals, and Joan Jett

Today was off to a bumpy start with me forgetting my badge and having to drive back from Austin to retrieve it. The breakfast tacos at The Line offset the stress, though. Panels centered around a theme of calling for peace and unity, as well as the power of animals on digital media. The VR […]

Panelists for Health "Techuity" in Cardiovascular Care

As the population landscape begins to change, challenges in access to health care may become more exacerbated, especially as today’s minority groups grow larger. A group of innovators, researchers and community health advocates held the panel Health “Techuity” in Cardiovascular Care to discuss how tech can help more people get access to high quality care.

Panel about homelessness at SXSW

Interview with Kerry O’Connor, Chief Innovation Office for the City of Austin, about how innovation in homelessness affects the city’s infrastructure.