
version of the air levitation vehicle

Most people spend a lot of their day sitting miserably in traffic. Not only does sitting in traffic put productive time to waste, but it also continues to damage our earth. UT alumna Deborah Navarro hosted a panel which focused on transportation methods using air-levitation. She and other engineers, part of a research group and […]

'A Wal-Mart for Organs': The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine

A woman in the United Kingdom had issues with her kidneys her whole life. On and off dialysis, too many prescriptions to count, more doctors visits in a year than some people have their whole life. The situation was far less than ideal. When it came time to look into transplants, some good news surfaced: […]

Wrap It Up!

Simply put, SXSW was an amazing experience and I now hope to return every year. I attended a number of panels covering workplace trends, futuristic planning, blockchain technology, an ADP lounge with interactive discovery tools, some marketing and journalism sessions and even watched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez share her ideas in governance. Through all the sessions there […]

From left: American Sex Podcast hosts, Ken Melvoin-Berg and Sunny Megatron with guest Ashely Manta

Let’s put our cards on the table here, most if not all of you reading this have tried marijuana at some point in your life. According to a Yahoo/Marist poll the majority of American adults have tried it at some point in their life. Now let’s pivot to sex for a second. According to a […]

Mr. Tibs from the Imaginary Friends Society's film, "Feeling Sad"

Cancer diagnoses are often followed by feelings of uncertainty, confusion and fear — especially for children. A child is diagnosed with cancer every three minutes, and kids face a lot of procedures, physical changes and emotional struggles as a result. Medical terminology is confusing enough to adults, so for children, battling cancer can be a […]

Recap: Blockchain in Business

On my fifth day playing in the cerebral playground that was SXSW, I attended three blockchain technology sessions and all three had interesting perspectives. The first, Revolutionizing Food Safety with Blockchain Technology discussed the status of food safety in the supply-side of the food chain. While blockchain technology might help, the consensus was that standardization […]

Recap: Day 5

Started the day with coffee and a plan, and stuck to it! All the sessions I attended were in the lovely Hilton, expanding my understanding of blockchain in business. There is so much to learn, from supply-side issues in adopting blockchain to business-to-business applications for it. After the second panel, I took a break to […]