Intelligent Future

You soon may be able to have your very own personal aerial vehicle that can take where you want to go. This may seem like a far-out idea, but it is actually closer to becoming a reality than you may think. And no, you do not have to a pilot to people to control it. […]

'A Wal-Mart for Organs': The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine

A woman in the United Kingdom had issues with her kidneys her whole life. On and off dialysis, too many prescriptions to count, more doctors visits in a year than some people have their whole life. The situation was far less than ideal. When it came time to look into transplants, some good news surfaced: […]

Does the Rise of AI Mean the Fall of [Human] Journalists?

Yesterday afternoon I sat in on a panel entitled “Coding for the News: Ethics, Machines and Newsrooms“, which was a panel regarding the potential artificial intelligence will have on the news industry. The panel was moderated by Executive Editor for Editorial Operations Data & Innovation at Reuters, Reg Chua; and featured DocumentCloud co-founder and professor […]

Panelists for Health "Techuity" in Cardiovascular Care

As the population landscape begins to change, challenges in access to health care may become more exacerbated, especially as today’s minority groups grow larger. A group of innovators, researchers and community health advocates held the panel Health “Techuity” in Cardiovascular Care to discuss how tech can help more people get access to high quality care.

The panel of Urban Aerial Mobility: Closer than you think.

If you live in the Austin area, or any major metropolitan, traffic can give you extreme headaches. As cities continue to grow, traffic becomes worse and worse. Aside from building/improving roads, the look should turn to how we travel. The use of Urban Aerial Mobility may be closer of a reality than you think, but […]

Interview with Jacque Meyers

I finally managed to find the Booz Allen setup after searching for two days, and managed to speak with Mrs. Jacque Meyers about the social impact of Booz Allen’s work for their clientele and the people that they serve!