
The Era of Crowdsourcing

In the past two years crowdsourcing has often popped up as a Web 2.0 buzz word, but there are a few important questions that few have asked since the discussion on the phenomenon started: what exactly entails crowdsourcing and is it sustainable? That’s exactly what Scott Belsky, of behence, and Jeffrey Kalmikoff, of Digg and […]

The Mexican Manifesto was an interesting panel, though sparsely attended by SXSW standards. Too bad for those who didn’t attend, since they served shots of tequila at the end of the panel. No kidding. The Usability and Accessibility for the Web International Seminar, organized by the State Government of Nuevo Le-n and the Universidad de […]

As an anthropologist, this panel was, of course, intriguing to me. Expanding beyond your own comfortable perceptions of the world is a difficult thing for most people, and the software and gaming industry are running into the usual (and some unusual) problems as they expand beyond the U.S.: ‘Redrum in the Rue Morgue’: Collaboration in […]

Keynote Interview with Mark Zuckerberg I couldn’t get a wireless connection during the keynote, so no live-blogging. But that’s okay, I seem to prefer to be able to collect my thoughts a bit anyway. Here’s the scoop, post-interview: I did NOT like it when they started with some chest thumping music. I had not taken […]