
Engage or Die: Multicultural Millennials Matter

The world will one day become colorblind, and we will all just be beige. As far as millennials are concerned, this day is already here! To reach your target markets, not only do you have to be digital, but your content has to be adaptable, flexible and relevant to all ethinicites. So how exactly do […]

Black Social TV

We all know that Social Media has immense power, but enough power to change storylines on TV shows and even who is cast them? Surely, those decisions are in the hands of the powers that be? Well, apparently, that power really is the people. Lynessa Williams, a social media strategist and public relations professional along […]

the sxtxstate team

This year was my first attending South by Southwest Interactive. A lot of people have asked me if it was a fun experience. I hesitate, not because it isn’t fun, but because it’s something more. My team worked really hard to produce content around the conference and interview panelists. We attended a few parties, and […]

cleanweb drawing

On Saturday at SXSW Interactive, David Merkoski spoke on the death of Cleantech and how a different mindset is needed to make a difference in the green movement: Cleanweb.

Visual Bites: Culinary on the Web

Christian Remde – a food videographer in Austin, Alex Kakoyiannis who works for a culinary agency, Sara Roberton, Creative Director at KLRU TV and Aaron Franklin, owner of the infamous Franklin BBQ all came together to discuss the popularity of culinary on the web. How did culinary become a hot topic on the web? documentaries […]

blaine matheiu

Monday in the Omni, four back-to-back sessions featured work and career advice. The panels included topics of positive blind spots, individually in teamwork, leadership and autodidactic learning. First, speaker Cameron Lord discussed the importance of owning our own skills and weaknesses. Instead of focusing on what we don’t do well and trying to improve those […]

minimalism panel at sxsw

Before SXSW, I wrote a preview for the panel, How Minimalism is Changing Entrepreneurship. Monday at the Omni Downtown, I had the opportunity to hear panelists Joshua Becker, Ryan Nicodemus, Courtney Carver and Joshua Fields-Millburn share various aspects of their journeys to minimalism and how it has helped them cultivate their passions, overcome the fear […]