Featured session: Fitz Tepper from TechCrunch as the host and Amber Venz Box from rewardStyle as speaker.
Amber Venz the President and Co-Founder of rewardStyle and LIKEtoKNOW.it takes the stage at SXSW as a keynote speaker to talk about her journey as a digital influencer and gaining her success through social media. Amber mentions she started she the only platform she was on was her personal blog. As a part of her journey, she was able to create a personal fashion blog and app that is one of the most successful fashion outlets for mobile users. As her growth in her fashion blog, she mentions the change in media platform and how they affected her platform as a fashion company and blogger.
For example, she says her blog was mostly outlet on the social platform Pinterest. This platform to drive more traffic of users to see her blog. Pinterest work best for her because the link could send users to her website whereas Instagram could not at that time, gain users to her company website. However, in the recent time more of the updates that have been made to Instagram has become a Influencers paradise to reach millions of users and a consumer audience. When asked if desktop use will go away because of Instagram Amber states that for consumers it will because everything is mobile, however for businesses desktops will still work.
The best way that brands can reach their users will not only just be through there brand on social media. Influencers are the way to get brand the most consumers and drive to get the brand seen be multiple users. As Amber says:
Brand are best at letting the influencers telling the story for them. -Amber

Like to know is the app that works on Instagram to help users find clothing and outfits that align with other people fashion pictures or post. It’s as easy as taking a screenshot on Instagram, and the app will discover clothing items to purchase that are the same as the picture that was screenshoted. Amber notes that the app was successful because it was accessible and connected users to Instagram and it worked with Instagram and Influencers to show more products that the mobile user that could be turned into mobile consumers. In result, Amber said the app was so successful that it downloads rate after nine months surpassed the speed of Facebook, snapchat and Instagram downloads.
Another interesting tid bit about Ambers app and the collaborations she has with other brands is that they were able to retrieve the data from the app of users and consumer checking out the brands on the app. Because the influencers publish their content through there software, it gives the brands an advantage because they have access to that data and can see their performance data.
Influencers are the new sales force -Amber
To recognize where the consumer for these brands are moving is essential if you want to reach your audience, grow it and bring awareness to your brand to a global audience. Ambers career and insight using mobile platforms and transforming these platforms into a productive brand growth. Also recognizing that media influencers can help promote brands to a broader consumer audience to acknowledge the change in consumers being on a mobile platform is a must for brand market strategy.
Find more information: liketoknow.it.com, rewardstyle.com, and @AmberVenzBox
Featured image: Annabel Fidler