A team of electrical engineering seniors from Texas State University will present a two semester-long project with solar car technology at this year’s TXST Innovation Lab, an exclusive look at student projects and innovation. The Innovation Lab features more than a dozen student teams who’s work ranges from media, engineering, design and health.

Daniel Caballero, project manager for the American Solar Car Challenge team sat down with SXTXState to discuss the project and what how his team is preparing for the Lab.
Describe what your project is and the process and timeline for completing it.
Our project takes a Direct Current (DC) input supply from a traction-battery pack and turns it into three Alternating Current (AC) output supplies. This is done by delaying each of the signals by switching with high power transistors. By controlling the switching speeds of these transistors, we are able to either speed up or slow down a traction motor. Many in the industry refer to this as a Variable Frequency Drive, or VFD for short.
Our timeline is divided into both the Fall and Spring semesters. One semester for documentation consisting of planning, cost analysis, and design of the system. While the second semester is used for the simulation, build, and testing of our system.
How has your team been preparing for the Innovation Lab?
We have been preparing for the Innovation Lab by creating informative presentations, the programming/build/test of a prototype, and informing each other about new and exciting things revolving around our project and industry.
What do you hope to gain from presenting at the Innovation Lab?
We hope to gain experience in communicating effectively to both a technical and non-technical audience, while informing the community of the benefits from alternative solutions to traditional applications.
Has any of your team been to SXSW before? If so, what were their experiences. If not, what’re they looking forward to?
While none of us has had the opportunity of attending a SXSW event, we are looking forward to speaking with others as excited as ourselves about the innovation in our community.
None of this could be accomplished without our spectacular sponsor, Mr. Nathan England and the one of a kind Faculty/Staff at Texas State University.
Team Members:
- Stephen Akanji, Electrical Engineering major, Senior
- Migdalia Blanco, Electrical Engineering major, Senior
- Alex Rangel, Electrical Engineering major, Senior
- Daniel Caballero, Electrical Engineering major, Senior
Sunday, March 11, 2018
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
The W Austin – Ballroom
Find out more: TXST Innovation Lab
Featured Image: Pexels