5 Of My Most Memorable SXSW18 Moments

It’s hard to believe the craziness of South by Southwest is officially over. Though the week of the festival was undeniably exhausting, I already miss the hustle and bustle of people and exciting events around every corner. Oh, and the puppies of course. Among the dozens of panels attended, interviews conducted and cups of coffee consumed these were some of my most favorite moments.

1. Christiane Amanpour

One of the most exciting panels I attended during SXSW was Christiane Amanpour’s keynote. She has long been one of my role models and seeing her in person was indescribably exciting. Amanpour discussed her latest project Sex & Love Around the World in which she traveled to dozens of foreign countries to discover how women in other cultures embrace their sexuality. To say I was in awe of every experience Amanpour shared, would be a vast understatement.

2. Brian Stelter Interview

Perhaps one of the most nerve-wracking moments for me during the week was on the very first evening when I interviewed CNN‘s, Brian Stelter. Fortunately, I had Dr. Royal to help me garner Stelter’s attention for a quick question before he was ushered into the green room by his publicist. It was after this first interview that I truly felt like a journalist, unafraid to reach out to strangers and obtain their valuable insights.

3. Journalism in the Age of Terror Panel

This particular panel captivated me for a number of reasons. First, because as an aspiring journalist (and possible foreign correspondent) it was extremely eye-opening to hear about the conditions journalists face around the world and their dedication to reporting the truth. Second, I’m conducting my Master’s thesis on the media portrayal of Syrian refugees which was a central topic among these panelists. Needless to say, I wrote up an illustrious article about the panel and a couple of the speakers even commented on it.

4. All Of The Surprise Events

As I mentioned before (because I know you’ve been wondering) there were puppies—adorable, sleepy, tiny little puppers at SXSW. These guys were hanging out and getting an overwhelming amount of attention at the Mashable House on 6th street. The best part, though, is all of the pups were up for adoption. I can’t describe the amount of self-control it took to not bring them all home with me. In addition to the puppies, I also attended a GOGA event. Yes, goat yoga with little baby goats. It was as incredible as it sounds. And if puppies and goga weren’t enough, there was also an event offering hundreds of different cheese samples from around the world. Pure happiness.

5. The Team

Last but certainly not least, I could not be more grateful for such an amazing SXTXState team. Attending panels, going to events, hashing out ideas, and just enjoying the festival with everyone was easily one of the best parts of the week. Can we do it again next year??

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