Kevin Kelly is the founder and Co-President of Bigbuzz Marketing Group. Bigbuzz is a full-service advertising company that is digitally focused. To help increase the effectiveness and accountability of advertising, Kelly builds end-to-end marketing solutions that utilize technology and process design. Kelly is a panelist for the Chatbots & Pixiedust: Extraordinary Service Sells panel.
Kelly also hosts a video podcast that features interviews with leaders in the marketing and advertising world called The Buzz Bubble. The information that he collects during these interviews is what help make Bigbuzz a unique agency with employees that are fearless and driven.
Can you tell me a little about BigBuzz Marketing Group and what you do?
At Bigbuzz we believe that growing a brand in the connected age begins with creating meaningful relationships through sharing inspiring and innovative content, delivered through well designed multi-channel brand platforms. We have embraced a new model, where the balance of media power has shifted, and we recognize that advertising is but a single tactic in the ever-changing list of marketing tools available to agencies today. We have developed a custom roadmap for each of our client partners to guide them through the fast-moving landscape of opportunities available today & tomorrow. We embrace “what’s next’ and leverage technology to create more efficient and effective marketing strategies while embracing our decades of foundational creative thinking. We measure our success through constant analysis of available data, but in the end by only the single purpose of growing our client’s partners brands and their long-term potential for success.
What inspired you to talk at SXSW?
I attended last year and saw a lot of fantastic panels and I wanted to be involved and bring great content to the attendees. I am not a good spectator when I see things I would rather be on the stage than in the audience. I was invited to help with a charity boxing event and decided I wanted to get in the ring. It’s just the way I think.
What are some of the points that you plan on talking about during the panel?
We believe that customer service is a powerful marketing tool and one of the most potent ways you can set yourself and your brand apart. We also believe that technology allows for amazing opportunities in the digital age and it is our job as an agency to sort through the opportunities and present these to our client partners and our audience.
What do you hope attendees walk with after attending the panel and what are you most looking forward to?
Really a sense of the above that you need to combine technology with humanity to excel as a brand. We’re bringing some more of the Bigbuzz team this year and I am excited to expose them to all that SXSW and Austin has to offer.
Thursday, March 15
11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fairmont – Congressional B
Find more information: Chatbots & Pixiedust: Extraordinary Service Sells
Featured Image: SXSW