Our team prepares on early Sunday morning. This Sunday morning was particularly early, considering the time change… we lost an hour. We check in with Dr. Cindy Royal, our professor, and with our technology to make sure everything is charged, connected, and ready to capture, blog, post, tweet, stream, etc.

Aside from the panels, which has currently been most of the focus of South By Texas State coverage, there are many other interesting things to be found. Everyone there is connected to his or her technology and desperately trying to stay connected, present, and on top of everything that is going on at once.

There is plenty of room for creative breaks, however. People might want to take a 5-minute break from LCD screens and play with the legos.

One strange sighting that was brought to my attention by the, sometimes partner-in-crime and otherwise, infamous TC Sprencel was the one PC user at SXSWi. Has anyone ever seen so many MacBook Pros? It was like Apple heaven!

Hopefully, everyone is enjoying and learning from South by Texas State’s posts. We appreciate your readership and any comments. Please feel free to contact any of us through our About page!
With new technology and social media allowing users to update directly from their cell phones, it seems that the culture of our generation is changing.
At school we aren’t allowed to pull out our cell phones in class because it is seen as a distraction to others and disrespectful to the professor/speaker. But now, we could be tweeting something insightful that was said that we want to share. During Mass Comm week and now with SXSWi, people are connected to their cell phones and laptops the whole time people are speaking. Is that still disrespectful or distracting?
Where do you think our generation’s culture is heading regarding this? It seems that face-to-face communication is lessening as technology grows. Where do you think we’ll be 10 years from now?
Great photos! You guys are doing great coverage, keep it up.
There isn’t anything to engaging I can say about this post of a few photos. I wish I was there though I’d probably end up playing with legos all day.
I’m not sure the of the etiquette concerning comments on comments, but I really thought the Sarah Simington’s comment was interesting. The stifling of the back channel in the American educational institution seems a bit anti socratic to me as well, but I don’t think they want people communicating and making connections all willy nilly through the internet. After all if you can network with the people who will cultivate your success through the internet then the institution has one less power, one less form of control and the only thing they have to offer is that piece of paper.
With a bad economy and less people willing to go in debt for a piece of paper it is sad that the institution isn’t trying to use these tools to offer more than a degree. But, maybe its better that way.
Haha. I love the picture of the lone wolf with her PC. Is it really that Mac-Packed there?
Other than the picture I am loving the coverage of SXSW. It’s crazy seeing how technology has changed so much in just the last year since the last SXSW. Have they revealed any cool new techno gadgets?
I like the picture telling the story with the captions below. I am more of a visual person than anything else so I appreciate. I am guessing there is a lot of work that goes into reporting all the things that are going on throughout each day much less the entire week.
I am totally Apple everything from music, to phone, to computer and have been for a few years which is cool, I feel like a trendsetter. So for everyone to be using it, this will be the best thing for the company.
I love the pictures! I hope to see more of ya’lls coverage of SXSW. Its nice to put a face to the reporter (well kind of). Hope you guys are having a blast! I imagine keeping up with everything that is going on is a bit of challenge!
I am a PC user as well, so I will give the lone PC props for daring to bring her technology into an environment that does not embrace it!
To me, behind the scenes coverage of events like SXSW are the most interesting. A few candid photos and inside info tells a better story sometimes than a simple blurb about who spoke when and where.
The best story these photos tell is that societal norms of engaging your speaker through eye contact go out the window at SXSW Interactive. You’re hard pressed to find someone not tapping away at a keyboard, it’s the beauty of technology — you’re there but you’re here. Technological trances is the norm in Apple heaven!
I found it very interesting that you used pictures to show your experiences. It helps the readers feel more involved, kind of like being there.
I also find it interesting that there were so many Mac users there, it sort of shows what direction society seems to be heading when it comes to electronic preferences. I do also see how important iPhones are today, pictures, blogging, etc. It helps people know whats going on, even when they can’t be there.
I have to admit… I would be that one girl with the PC. However, I am planning on converting over to Mac as soon as I have $1000 to drop on a computer.
The way we cover and report on events has changed tremendiously, even in just the past few years. With the iPhone, Twitter, Facebook, wireless internet, etc… those of us who were not fortunate enough to be able to attend SXSW can get an inside scoop on the happenings. And we are only moving forward. Who knows where we will be in 10 years. As far as ettiquitte goes, I think that those who feel it’s rude need to start getting used to the way things are. Of course, playing games and looking at your freinds pictures that were just posted on Facebook is inappropriate, but tweeting about something interesting that was said is completely acceptable in my eyes.
And I agree with m4l4chi, I would also be playing with the legos :]
This was a really cool look into the inside of sxsw and more specifically, the interactive aspect of sx. I always hear from people about there experiences in the music side of SX, but I never really get to experience the other features that are offered.
I thought it was hilarious that the pictures of the lego station were posted, as it really makes us that couldn’t attend feel like we got to. I also thought it was pretty cool how many Mac users were in attendance, however I figured that would be the case.