Self-Publishing in the Age of E

Self-publishing used to be a last resort for writers, now there are several success stories surrounding self-publishing. The increase in e-books and technological tools has influenced the conversation during the panel Self-Publishing in the Age of E. The panel was lead by Rachel Deahl from Publishers Weekly and featured an author, Hugh Howey, literary agent, […]
Preview – Intrigue Me: Writing Compelling, Credible Content

This year at SXSWi, Stephanie Hay (of Stephanie Hay, LLC) will be sharing her skills as a successful copywriter who believes “the message should lead any efforts — online, mobile, offline — and the design or functionality serves to uplift, support, complement, and more effectively deliver that message.” Yes, design supports the message (not the […]
Writing Web Content for a Living

Web writing specialists Erin Anderson (Brain Traffic), Tiffani Jones (thingsthatarebrown LLC), Ian Alexander (Eat Media), and Dan Maccarone (Four Square) presented tips, ideas, and guidelines for web-optimized writing in their interactive panel, “Writing Web Content for a Living.” The panelists began by defining web writing as follows: Ian Alexander: Web writing is more than just […]
Preview: Writing Web Content for a Living
If revolutionizing global communication and pushing innovation to unimagined frontiers are signs of a successful enterprise, then this Internet thing has sorta caught on. And it might just last, given that the Web has crushed traditional publication methods and made museum material of books and newspapers. So it’s in the interest of pretty much any […]