SXSWi Startup Village Accelerator-Entertainment Category with MC Hammer
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[View the story “SXSWi Startup Village Accelerator-Entertainment Category with MC Hammer ” on Storify]
3D printing can make reproductions in materials from chocolate to metal. So who wouldn’t be awed and thrilled?
George Friedman, CEO of Stratfor, a global intelligence company, came to SXSW Interactive to speak about surviving technology. However, an Occupy “mic check” broke out over Stratfor’s alleged involvement in spying and trying to bring down the Occupy Movement. The alleged involvement stems from the December hacking of Stratfor, where customers’ credit cards were charged […]
““We are about upgrading our humanity and our own freedom.” – Mark Belinsky Iphones, Twitter, Facebook and the like aren’t just for Americans wanting to talk about what bar to meet at or what celebrity said what anymore. Now this amazing technology has made its way into the hands of some of the most oppressed […]
[View the story “The Most Wanted Unusual Suspect: Markia Zuckerberg ” on Storify]
Fantasy sports is everywhere and seemingly everyone is playing. Technology has had a huge impact on fantasy sports development already, so the question is what’s next?