SXSW recap

Recap: Day 5

Started the day with coffee and a plan, and stuck to it! All the sessions I attended were in the lovely Hilton, expanding my understanding of blockchain in business. There is so much to learn, from supply-side issues in adopting blockchain to business-to-business applications for it. After the second panel, I took a break to […]

Recap Day 3: Innovate!

Day three was full of amazing ideas and innovations! Kai Wright guided us in understanding branding and how the future of branding will involve the incorporation of more senses, not only sight. Benevolent AI shared how they are using Big Data and AI to assist scientists in bringing treatments and cures to diseases that have […]

SXTXState Last Day Recap

We’re pretty exhausted so I think we’re happy to go home tonight. But, it is bittersweet because SXSW was filled with new experiences every day. (And as we learned in one panel, new experiences make it seem like you’ve lived longer.) Be sure to check our coverage from this week!