
Elephant in the Valley

We all know the geek stereotype. Guys in their 20s. Super smart. White. We can point to a hundred movie roles that play with this trope. It’s ingrained in our cultural consciousness. Perhaps the reason we’ve accepted the stereotype so readily is the very real foothold it has found in reality. Our vision of the […]

How Overcrowded Asian Cities Inspire Innovation

When the words “overcrowded Asian cities”, images of crowded streets, polution and even chaos comes to mind. Rearly would you think “innovation” instead. However, these overcrowded cities are buzzing with new ideas and innovation primarily because of need and neccessity to overcome problems associated with maximum cities. Tara Hierbet is an Asian Trend, Innovation and Urban […]

damn the man!

Monday three disruptor entrepreneurs, Joshua Reich, Dana Rosenberg and Ryan Graves, answered questions about the process of entering into a highly regulated industry. They discussed the different types of disruption, from entering at a lower price point to creating new markets. Simple CEO Joshua Reich shared some of his experience trying to innovate in one […]

minimalism panel at sxsw

Before SXSW, I wrote a preview for the panel, How Minimalism is Changing Entrepreneurship. Monday at the Omni Downtown, I had the opportunity to hear panelists Joshua Becker, Ryan Nicodemus, Courtney Carver and Joshua Fields-Millburn share various aspects of their journeys to minimalism and how it has helped them cultivate their passions, overcome the fear […]