We’re All ADHD: Social Media & Attention Disorders

We are losing a battle with our attention spans. ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and college students. With the ever-presence of the Internet and social media to distract us, are we responsible for creating our own diagnosis? Husband-and-wife panelists Michael and Lizz Pietrus discussed ADHD in America, […]
Preview: Forget Loyalty, Build Habits

If you’re the type of person who checks your social media accounts just seconds after opening your eyes in the morning, you are not alone. The thing you might not realize is that your social media habits present marketers with a valuable opportunity. And that’s where Leslie Feinzaig comes in. Feinzaig is the vice president […]
Preview: We’re All ADHD – Social Media & Attention Disorders

Many Most of us are aware…we use our phones too much. And we’re similarly aware of the most popular past time within this overuse – checking in with social media. Experts have already postulated some of the consequences of this constant social media barrage. We’re sleeping less, because our glowing screens are keeping our brains awake. […]
Preview: What brand are you attached to?

Brand attachment is more than just preference. It’s about a brand becoming an extension of a consumer. What brand are you attached to? This is the major topic Larry Vincent, executive director of UTA Brand Studio, has been researching, asking questions such as how and why people attach to brands. He will be discussing his […]