Work and Career

Preview: Connecting at SXSW: Business of Friendships

32,798 attendees at SXSW Interactive 2015. Yes! You read that right 32,798 participants. So how does someone build friendships at Interactive and make the most of their time? During an interview, Sweet John and Justin Esgar were excited to share with us some tips on building friendships and positive things about being a newbie. For […]

Interactive Reflections

During the week leading up to SXSW Interactive, I started to panic. How was I supposed to handle something most people described as overwhelming? I had never really liked crowds, I was unsure of my abilities to cover an event like Interactive, and with so many options, I had no idea how I was going to choose what to […]

Inspiration and Diversity at SXSW

In the months before SXSW, I prepared. I prepared to be overwhelmed with my choices. With hundreds of panels to choose from and more than 30,000 attendees alongside me making the same choices, I prepared to be jostled, shut-out and waylaid. I knew I might have to change my plans at a moment’s notice. I prepared […]

Why Tech Needs More Women

Elizabeth Ames, Vice President of Marketing and Alliances for the Anita Borg Institute began her Tuesday SXSW Interactive panel by presenting a date to the audience. May 28, 2014. Though most people may not recognize the date, she cites it as an important turning point in the struggle of women in STEM fields.  On that day […]

Fear and Creativity: Finding Your Craft

The Fear and Creativity: Finding Your Craft discussion began with the differences between a job and a craft. The panelists defined a job as something you do to pay rent. They defined a craft as a way of expressing yourself through your work that is meaningful, has a positive impact on something or someone. Two […]

5 Digital Habits to Rock Your Brand

Erik Qualman, known for his books “Digital Leader,” “Socialnomics” and “What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube” (along with the incredibly popular Socialnomics video series) talked to a packed house Saturday about five habits all digital leaders share. As he outlined in his book “Digital Leader,” the keys to being a leader in the digital […]

The Millennials: Empowering a Modern Workforce

As millennials start to enter and overtake the workforce, it’s become more evident that times have changed. With digital media and technology evolving at a rapid pace, and new jobs forming everyday, it’s time employers embraced these millennials and the positive attributes they possess. In “The Millennials: Empowering a Modern Workforce,” Anne Dwane, chief business […]