
Inspiration and Diversity at SXSW

In the months before SXSW, I prepared. I prepared to be overwhelmed with my choices. With hundreds of panels to choose from and more than 30,000 attendees alongside me making the same choices, I prepared to be jostled, shut-out and waylaid. I knew I might have to change my plans at a moment’s notice. I prepared […]

Why Tech Needs More Women

Elizabeth Ames, Vice President of Marketing and Alliances for the Anita Borg Institute began her Tuesday SXSW Interactive panel by presenting a date to the audience. May 28, 2014. Though most people may not recognize the date, she cites it as an important turning point in the struggle of women in STEM fields.  On that day […]

Science & Art: A Means to Meaning

So many of use have been wowed in recent years. Recent being since the time of Galileo and Copernicus, by the images of the cosmos. How these are made and why they move us so deeply. Astrophysics goes to Hollywood at SXSW brought together Dr. Robert Hurt, Dr. Donna Cox, and Dr. Frank Summers to […]

The FCC's Big Decision

Earlier this month, the FCC made a ruling on the way the United States will govern the Internet. The decision has sparked both negative, and mostly positive reaction from the general public. Gigi Sohn, special counsel to the Office of the Chairman of the FCC, came to SXSW to talk about the decision of net […]

How Can We End Gamergate?

Can fandoms fix the gender gap in technology and computing fields? This was the question Jessica McDonald, CMO of SparkFun Electronics, asked at her Sunday SXSW Interactive panel of the same name. Fandoms are communities, often largely online, which come together in mutual admiration of various comics, anime and/or video games.  They may share fan-fiction, […]