
core conversation

Dr. Cindy Royal, an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University-San Marcos, explores how to prepare students for careers in a rapidly changing media industry with New York Times Editor of Interactive News Aron Pilhofer.

after the hackathon panel

A recap of Dave Haynes, Kara Silverman, Jarod Reyes and Joel Franusic’s panel on the current state of hackathonswhat to do with the energy and creativity sparked at the event.

parcell presenting at sxsw

Panelist Timothy Parcell spoke Tuesday at SXSW on the topic of experience design. He gave six lessons to the audience through the metaphor of graphic novel artwork and development. The first two lessons were in brand and design. Parcell said a logo or brand image “has to have a set of values behind it.” It […]