
Camera Crew

South by Southwest Interactive is one of the world’s largest gatherings for tech enthusiasts, businesspeople, and general hipsters.  With thousands of products and ideas being thrown around at SxSWi – sometimes literally, as in the case of dot.com upstarters tossing their merch at passersby – one can expect to find a range of people and […]

Mapping and Geolocation: Turnkey Approaches You Need to Know

The new gold rush is geolocation. Similar to how Google owns search engines, the panelists said there is sort of a race to find who will own user location. With the advancing technologies within mobile devices, it is quite easy to plot and map the device holder’s location on the internet. Foursquare and Gowalla are two services […]

Your Online Identity After Death and Digital Wills

With the arrival of the Internet and social networks a new question has arised — What happens to your digital assets when you pass away? Does your family or your significant other have the right to receive your password to your Facebook, Twitter and Gmail accounts? Corvida Raven, SheGeeks, presented her core conversation during SXSW […]

Live Strong Tattoo

Panelists: Drew Olanoff and Brian Simpson. Compassion Through Social Media. Humor as a method of therapy has been a coping mechanism for people facing catastrophic news. Sharing the pain and grief of a cancer diagnoses with a group of supports is immensely helpful. Now take that one step further with the possibilities of social media […]

Biking to Change the World, and Save Lives

Sitting in a room full of people, you can tell the bikers from the non-bikers.  Skinny jeans are dead giveaway, as well as the choice of pullover outerwear, and those who are wet from the ride on a rainy Austin day to the Austin Convention Center for the last day of SXSWi. What do we […]

Do you watch your favorite shows on Hulu? It’s a growing problem for show producers and networks alike. Advertising on Hulu has created some problems – mainly there isn’t enough of it – and networks own the site. So that’s exactly why Viacom pulled The Daily Show and Colbert Report off of Hulu. Why give […]

Cindy Royal of Texas State University hosted “Influence and Innovate:Transforming Media Education” to discuss the future of media education. Those involved in the core conversation particularly focused on the responsibilities of educators and mentors and their role in preparing communication graduates with the valuable tools and experience needed to help these students in their future professions. […]