Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?

In today’s SXSW Interactive panel, “Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?” AP Social Media Editor Eric Carvin succinctly summed up a new sentiment many legacy news organizations are realizing regarding social media: “Social networks need us more than we need them.” Joined by fellow panelists Allison Lichter, social media editor of the Wall Street […]

Tina Craig of Bag Snob has Advice for Bloggers

“A lot of people now want to start blogs because they want to be famous, they want to get rich […] they want to have a brand…Those are all the wrong reasons to start anything.” Tina Craig, blogger extraordinaire of Bag Snob fame, shared this tidbit of advice during the question and answer portion of […]

The Millennials: Empowering a Modern Workforce

As millennials start to enter and overtake the workforce, it’s become more evident that times have changed. With digital media and technology evolving at a rapid pace, and new jobs forming everyday, it’s time employers embraced these millennials and the positive attributes they possess. In “The Millennials: Empowering a Modern Workforce,” Anne Dwane, chief business […]

Physics Education in Gaming

The Kerbal Space Academy uses the  game Kerbal Space Program and Twitch TV to inspire creativity and give a basic knowledge of physics. Their goal is to encourage the gaming community to be curious and learn. Here at the gaming expo at SXSW there are many unique takes on how to present games and what […]

Old Game, New Tricks: What's the Future of Golf?

“Over the last 24 months all you have heard is ‘the sky is falling’ when it comes to golf. Golf has lost nearly five million players over the past 10 years,” explained panelist Charlie Kautz. Though golf seems to be in a tough place right now, all of the panelist believe that there is a […]

Civics & Superheroes

Stories are powerful, just how and why all depends on the story . Christian Blauvelt is the Deputy Editor for Culture at the BBC. Christian’s thoughts on the new mainstream of comic book movies have a lot to do with the messaging in each film and what comments each of them make about our society. They […]