
Jordan Viator, a Texas State alumna, is the Director of Social Media at Spredfast, a local group that helps other companies and agencies manage their social media endeavors. The full write-up of her core conversation with Tammy Gordon (AARP’s Director of Social Communication) will be up later today, but for now, check out this quick […]

Preview - 'Eat Tweet' and other book readings

If ever there were someone who should eat her words, it’s Maureen Evans. All 140 characters. Also known as @cookbook by more than 65,000 Twitter followers, Evans regularly tweets whole recipes she’s boiled down to the character limit. Her recipe shorthand is so good, she even has space for periods. A typical tweet: “Monster Cookies: […]

Preview - Customer care, 140 characters and beyond

Rob La Gesse’s official title at San Antonio-based web hosting company Rackspace is Chief Disruption Officer. And he wears it with pride. Formerly the Director of Customer Development, La Gesse earned the new title after waking up Rackspace Chairman Graham Weston in the middle of the night to address a customer complaint. For La Gesse, […]

The Effects of Twitter on News

More than any other social media, Twitter has had a profound effect on news. I personally was most looking forward to the SXSWi core conversation about this very topic. It didn’t disappoint and it’s a conversation every news director should be having with his or her newsroom. This particular discussion featured some heavy hitters in […]

I couldn’t have said it better myself…”journalism is a sausage factory.  It’s messy, but at the end it’s delicious!” Those words led off the panel, “Process Journalism: Getting it First, While Getting it Right.” It was a discussion of the ability to break news stories using technology, using social media and using citizen journalists.  Jesus Diaz […]

Choo Choo is a “steam powered garage pop” band from Switzerland who performed during SXSW. We have been in contact with them through Twitter thanks to their savvy social media skills, and have held a Twitter-view (Twitter interview) to show as an example during class. Kristin and I were sitting in the convention center and […]