Social Media

We’re All ADHD: Social Media & Attention Disorders

We are losing a battle with our attention spans. ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and college students. With the ever-presence of the Internet and social media to distract us, are we responsible for creating our own diagnosis? Husband-and-wife panelists Michael and Lizz Pietrus discussed ADHD in America, […]

Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?

In today’s SXSW Interactive panel, “Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?” AP Social Media Editor Eric Carvin succinctly summed up a new sentiment many legacy news organizations are realizing regarding social media: “Social networks need us more than we need them.” Joined by fellow panelists Allison Lichter, social media editor of the Wall Street […]

#nofilter - Krystine Batcho on Constant Connection and Students

We are connected to the Internet and social media 24/7. Technology has transformed our lives in ways no one thought possible 25 years ago. So how are these digital experiences influencing the younger generation? Krystine Batcho, psychology professor at Le Moyne College, said that being constantly connected has both positive benefits and negative consequences for Generations Y […]