Social Media

I couldn’t have said it better myself…”journalism is a sausage factory.  It’s messy, but at the end it’s delicious!” Those words led off the panel, “Process Journalism: Getting it First, While Getting it Right.” It was a discussion of the ability to break news stories using technology, using social media and using citizen journalists.  Jesus Diaz […]

The Era of Crowdsourcing

In the past two years crowdsourcing has often popped up as a Web 2.0 buzz word, but there are a few important questions that few have asked since the discussion on the phenomenon started: what exactly entails crowdsourcing and is it sustainable? That’s exactly what Scott Belsky, of behence, and Jeffrey Kalmikoff, of Digg and […]

Choo Choo is a “steam powered garage pop” band from Switzerland who performed during SXSW. We have been in contact with them through Twitter thanks to their savvy social media skills, and have held a Twitter-view (Twitter interview) to show as an example during class. Kristin and I were sitting in the convention center and […]

The Revolution Will Be Digitized

When was the last time you were asked to join a Facebook group entitled “One Million Strong For [Insert random cause].” Probably quite recently. At the Sxsw panel “How Social Networks Are Killing the Revolution,” panelists discussed how social networks are actually hindering real world action and change from occurring. Steve Swedler (Gangplank) attempted to […]

How Do You Measure Success??

“In a word, Digg. Ask anyone at collegehumor how many times we’ve been number 1 on Digg, 7 times.” Ricky Van Veen (