
In 1983, Tim Berners-Lee made public the World Wide Web, believing that something so great should be shared and made accessible for all. That ideology has spilled into other areas of digital and tech industry, be it in the design of new and innovative forms of communication or in studying how tech evolution has changed […]

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Sexual harassment is unsettling, no matter what form it may take. Catcalling on the sidewalk or muttered remarks toward a female coworker stand out as different examples, yet both warrant the same amount of attention when it comes to objectification of another, particularly for women. When it comes to high school, however, some of those […]

Panel Recap: Insider Tips from the Boss Women of Instagram

Moderated by Laura Brounstein from Cosmopolitan Magazine with guest speakers Lila King, Eva Chen, Claudine Cazian Britz and Lauren Wirtzer-Seawood For the inside scoop of successfully mastering the art of Instagram, these four panelists came from the inside of Instagram itself.  All four women have their own area of expertise for Instagram. Lila King leads […]