Social and Privacy

Preview: Dark Side of Tech: Surveillance and Propaganda

Picture this: you’re surfing Twitter or Facebook to fill the boredom in your day. You may also shop on Amazon for the latest deals on home accessories. Suddenly, you come across a post that details inflammatory information on a sensitive topic. Feeling morally obliged to spread the word, you share it on your social media […]


I’m sitting in a darkened theater watching a comedy show. The room seats 90 people. It’s a late show, and I only stayed out because there’s a writer from The Daily Show performing. Then the host comes out and says, “We have a very special guest with us tonight…Mr. Judd Apatow.” That’s right, the director […]

Interactive Reflections

During the week leading up to SXSW Interactive, I started to panic. How was I supposed to handle something most people described as overwhelming? I had never really liked crowds, I was unsure of my abilities to cover an event like Interactive, and with so many options, I had no idea how I was going to choose what to […]

We’re All ADHD: Social Media & Attention Disorders

We are losing a battle with our attention spans. ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and college students. With the ever-presence of the Internet and social media to distract us, are we responsible for creating our own diagnosis? Husband-and-wife panelists Michael and Lizz Pietrus discussed ADHD in America, […]

Civics & Superheroes

Stories are powerful, just how and why all depends on the story . Christian Blauvelt is the Deputy Editor for Culture at the BBC. Christian’s thoughts on the new mainstream of comic book movies have a lot to do with the messaging in each film and what comments each of them make about our society. They […]