Day 1: What a Flurry!

To say that my first day at SXSW was interesting would not be doing it justice. Getting from Point A to Point B was rough at times, and trying to figure out venue and panel logistics was a whole new ball game, whether it was actually trying to get a decent spot in line or […]
Interview with Erin Roberts
Panel Recap: Featured Speaker: Whitney Wolfe Herd

Become the CEO your parents always wanted you to marry. -Whitney Wolfe Herd Whitney Wolfe Herd is the founder of Bumble, a dating app where women make the first move. After alleging sexual harassment and discrimination with Tinder (she wishes no ill will on anyone in the company), Wolfe broke away from the popular dating […]
Death in the Digital Age, Cybersecurity and Soaring Temperatures for SXSW Day 2

Day 2 of SXSW really picked up and there was no time for slacking off. Once in downtown, it was clear that there were MANY more people than the first day. Also, it was MUCH warmer, but there is relief headed our way. Gotta love Texas Weather! Death & Legacy in the Digital Age There […]
SkyHacking: Nose to Tail on Aviation Cybersecurity

As new technology seems to make its way to 40,000 feet, just how safe are we? Actually, a lot safer than you may think, but still something that needs to be considered and something that needs to be taken seriously. A lot of these new technologies are see in both civilian aircraft, the military and […]
Interview with Maxwell McMaster – an artist behind the Dropbox Mural

Maxwell McMaster is an artist based out of Los Angeles. He teamed up with Dropbox to illustrate one of their daily murals on Saturday, March 10. The idea behind this Dropbox Live Mural: Activism Through Art, is for two artists to meet up and collaborate on creating a mural together. Two new artists meet every day […]