
Embarrassing Bodies: Multiplatform Medical Taboos

These days, multiplatform programming is becoming more of a necessity to TV producers. Although now being adopted by more and more producers, Embarrassing Bodies is a medicial TV show in the UK that was one of the first to adopt the concept in 2007. It has been hugely successful. A quick Google search results in […]

Edward Snowden Keynote

Edward Snowden spoke at SXSW over a very choppy video feed, but it wasn’t the fault of technology, his signal was bouncing over seven proxies in order to keep him safe. The thirty year old is currently living in Russia after he made public classified documents about NSA spying programs last summer. Ben Wizner and […]

Gary Vaynerchuck Tells You How To Rock SXSW

Gary Vaynerchuck – entrepreneur, celebrated social media guru and public speaker – was one of the first panels to talk at SXSW Friday. As a long time SXSW attendee, Gary’s panel seemed to be a mix of solid, veteran SXSW advice, as well as adrenaline and fuel to get the crowd sparked for five days […]

blaine matheiu

Monday in the Omni, four back-to-back sessions featured work and career advice. The panels included topics of positive blind spots, individually in teamwork, leadership and autodidactic learning. First, speaker Cameron Lord discussed the importance of owning our own skills and weaknesses. Instead of focusing on what we don’t do well and trying to improve those […]

Eating to Live Online

A panel about the perception of the food cultures versus the real life brought to you by those who are surrounded by it.