
SXTXState Interview with Bob Metcalfe at SXSW 2012

Internet pioneer, Ethernet inventor, entrepreneur, and now UT professor, Bob Metcalfe, entertained SXSW attendees for an hour with his newest goal of trying to “make Austin a better Silicon Valley” through his “One Semester Startup” course at the University of Texas.

The first thoughts that might come to mind could be “Girl Power” and feminists, yet contribution, helping and aiding the personal growth of others more appropriately describes Tech Superwomen: Mentors and Mentees, FTW. Mentorship conjured a number of different ideals and definitions for panelists. While there are many ways to find a mentor within any […]

Japanese style of animation or Anime has grown from a small niche market of viewers to more ever growing and evolving audience. Another trend within the world of outrageous hairdo’s and intense action within this world of Anime is the collaboration between different forms of media.

Anzelone talks about reactions from the community to her NYC Wildflower Week she has founded in 2008 and organized every year since then. This year it will expand to other cities across the United States during National Urban Biodiversity Week. She also talks about helpful tips for people wanting to help out native species in […]