Health and MedTech

'A Wal-Mart for Organs': The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine

A woman in the United Kingdom had issues with her kidneys her whole life. On and off dialysis, too many prescriptions to count, more doctors visits in a year than some people have their whole life. The situation was far less than ideal. When it came time to look into transplants, some good news surfaced: […]

Mr. Tibs from the Imaginary Friends Society's film, "Feeling Sad"

Cancer diagnoses are often followed by feelings of uncertainty, confusion and fear — especially for children. A child is diagnosed with cancer every three minutes, and kids face a lot of procedures, physical changes and emotional struggles as a result. Medical terminology is confusing enough to adults, so for children, battling cancer can be a […]

Interview: Giving Birth in America

Earlier this week, I managed to sit in on the “Giving Birth in America” panel, which focused on the current maternal health crisis in the United States. The panelists, all women, discussed in length their own stories in relation to the topic, as well as how it influenced them to take action with regard to […]

Panelists for Health "Techuity" in Cardiovascular Care

As the population landscape begins to change, challenges in access to health care may become more exacerbated, especially as today’s minority groups grow larger. A group of innovators, researchers and community health advocates held the panel Health “Techuity” in Cardiovascular Care to discuss how tech can help more people get access to high quality care.

Mairi Vannella's 3rd Day!

I’m getting used to navigating the event! Despite not attending very many panels, I still managed to check out the Booz Allen setup in the Omni Hotel, and managed to catch some cool features at the trade show. My favorite setups had to be both the VR stations held by Texas A&M and The Time […]

Austin-based Blue Goji's Infinity VR Treadmill

The trade show started today, and the VR cinema opens tomorrow — just in time to collide with the health and medtech track of panels. And while it’s been great hearing people talk about the future of healthcare over the past few days, nothing beats actually trying the tech. Enter Infinity: Blue Goji’s VR-integrated treadmill.

Top 5 Panels for Health and MedTech

Big data and health care is the next revolution in medical technology. How will patient information stay out of the wrong hands? How can suicide rates decrease and drug addiction be curbed by leveraging patient data more effectively?