SX Gaming

Branding in the video game world

Game fans may have noticed a difference in the way they hear and talk about games. More and more big name games come out with sort of theatrical trailers, much like those in the movies. There is a market now online, streaming game reviews, game tutorials and other discussions that revolve around gameplay. Joining Walker […]

Preview: Play for Pay: What's It Like to Be a Pro Gamer?

Have you ever wondered what pro gaming is all about? Can people really make a living off of gaming professionally? What’s it like to be a celebrity Esport athlete? In his upcoming SXSW panel, Ian Barker, Esports producer at The Daily Dot will cover these questions and more. Along with Lydia Picknell, Co-Owner of Paradigm, and other […]

How Can We End Gamergate?

Can fandoms fix the gender gap in technology and computing fields? This was the question Jessica McDonald, CMO of SparkFun Electronics, asked at her Sunday SXSW Interactive panel of the same name. Fandoms are communities, often largely online, which come together in mutual admiration of various comics, anime and/or video games.  They may share fan-fiction, […]

Physics Education in Gaming

The Kerbal Space Academy uses the  game Kerbal Space Program and Twitch TV to inspire creativity and give a basic knowledge of physics. Their goal is to encourage the gaming community to be curious and learn. Here at the gaming expo at SXSW there are many unique takes on how to present games and what […]

Preview: Moving Beyond Reality

Dr. Jason Jerald will be speaking at the panel Suspension of Disbelief in Virtual Reality at SXSWi. He will cover what is most interesting about virtual reality and augmented reality: its potential. Virtual reality is about transcending time and space by going other places and seeing and feeling other things that are wholly outside the […]

SXSW Gaming Expo

Will SXSW Gaming be the next big branch of the South By brand? Pete Fenlon, CEO of Mayfair Games certainly thinks so. As of now, the gaming branch is still a free, open to the public event that is featured the first weekend of SXSWi. Fenlon thinks gaming will go the way of Edu or […]