
BIG Health Data & HIPAA

When trying to understand the many different view points on Health data being at a place like SXSW is very helpful. The panel Why HIPAA Won’t Save You covered a verity of topics ranging from the patients, the health care companies to the scientific researchers who will use this data. How to keep everyone’s health […]

Civics & Superheroes

Stories are powerful, just how and why all depends on the story . Christian Blauvelt is the Deputy Editor for Culture at the BBC. Christian’s thoughts on the new mainstream of comic book movies have a lot to do with the messaging in each film and what comments each of them make about our society. They […]

Young Astronomers & JWST

At SXSW gaming expo NASA contractor Northrop Grumman has some young University of Texas Astronomy post docs and undergrads talking about the new James Webb Space Telescope. The JWST is launching in  2018 and will work with Hubble in our investigation of the cosmos. Eventually taking over Hubble’s role. Testing is going on right now […]

NASA & Cine Space

Frontiers and images, learning and inspiration, these are things at that core of how the NASA mission affects us. A new video aggregation service and competition was announced after  Astronaut Don Pettit gave is talk about life on the International Space Station. NASA is teaming up with the Houston Cinema Arts Festival for their new […]