
Joss Whedon is the mastermind behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog (NPH’s finest work). His brand spanking new movie Cabin in the Woods debuted at SXSW yesterday at the Paramount. In an interview on Saturday he said it’s one of the most unbridled projects he’s ever had the […]

[View the story “Multi y Mono: A cultural advertising battle” on Storify]

Chris Mills is the Developer Relations Manager at Opera Software ASA . Opera was launched as an independent development company and focuses on web browsers that are adaptable to a wide-range of platforms.  Mills used his SXSWi panel, “HTML5 & CSS3: Does Now Really Mean Now?” to give attendees helpful development and coding tools. I highly […]

Can You Tweet That?

If a monkey takes a picture of itself in the woods, and no one’s around, who owns it? What if he posts it on Pinterest or tweets it out? Does it make a difference? According to Senior Lecturer Dara Quackenbush, everything makes a difference — even when it’s a monkey, and especially when it’s on […]

Preview: Big Social Media Results at Small Organizations

Move over television, because social media has become the go-to platform for companies to reach their target audience. Whether it’s the tailor-made advertisements Facebook puts all over your news feed, or a Twitter campaign asking followers to “retweet to win,” companies, both big and small, have to find new ways to connect with an audience. […]

Top 5 SXSWi: Web Design

With the emergence of social media as a standard for conversation, having an online presence is a must. An important part of that online presence is to have your own website. Having your own website is like a virtual portfolio, where one can showcase all of their achievements. Being able to actually create and build […]