Vincent Verduzco

Texas State University students and faculty pose with employees of Booze Allen Hamilton at their defense innovation lounge.

I heard everyone say how completely overwhelming (in a good way) SXSW would be to a first-timer, and wow were they right. As you’ll see in the video, I got off to a bit of a late start but afterwards I got in the groove of things! Keep up with these videos real time on […]

Top 5 Panels for Design

As the late great Massimo Vignelli once said, “Design is utilitarian, art is not.” The design track at SXSW reinforces that message exactly. While there are a plethora of design sessions across all disciplines, the tope five design sessions below express the best this industry has to offer when it comes to the intersection of […]

“Technology is a part of life, and a part of being human. We’ve been making tools since we evolved into who we are today, and by ignoring technology, you risk ignoring a fundamental aspect of humanity.” Read as I speak with author Eliot Peper about the influence science fiction has had on society.

With sex still a seemingly risqué topic, speakers in this session hope to make sex part of the conversation. From smart-vibrators to breakup apps, Future of Sex podcast host Bryony Cole talks with me about all things sextech.

Preview: The [Not so Subtle] Sci-Fi Influence on Tech CEO's

With the technological advances humans have made in the past century—decade even—to someone from the past it may seem as if we’re living in a futuristic, Star Trek-like world. Many even attribute the speed and success of our innovation to science-fiction television, film and literature. For someone like Malka Older, sci-fi and tech play an […]