Susan Raybuck

Code for America founder Jen Pahlka

Keynote addresses are always special, but organizers of the final keynote of SXSW Interactive must have saved the best for last. Jennifer (Jen) Pahlka, founder of Code for America, a new and unusual non-profit, will give that address. Pahlka, who spent some of her childhood years in Austin, started out in the gaming media industry. Among […]

Preview: Does it take a superhero to teach a supersized class?

The most intriguing education panel during SXSWedu (which will also be presented during SXSW Interactive) in March 2012 just might be Supersizing the Classroom: 3000 Students & Beyond with Virginia Tech’s John Boyer and Katie Pritchard. For years Boyer’s highly popular Geography 1014 World Regions class kept outgrowing every classroom space due to student word-of-mouth recommendations. For […]

Mention computer programming and many intelligent and fairly computer-savvy college-bound youngsters and adults metaphorically throw up their hands, assuming it’s too hard and certainly way beyond them. As a result, relatively few study programming in college, a reality that caused enough concern for Microsoft, Intel Foundation, Google,Iomega, and the MIT Media Lab research consortia, not to mention the National Science […]