Sean Smith

Gender, cars and design: Day 1 at SXSW18

They say it takes the first day to get accustomed to the hoopla that is SXSW. And while, yes, I did almost get hit by a car while creating a quote graphic, the first day went very well.

It's time to see through a gender/sex lens

From product design to workplace protocol to health care legislation, understanding and accounting for gender and sex differences can create big change with even the smallest actions. iGiant founder and president Dr. Saralyn Mark hosts round tables across the country to facilitate discussion about how the unique biological and psychological differences between genders and sexes […]

Preview: The American Solar Car Challenge at the TXST Innovation Lab

A team of electrical engineering seniors from Texas State University will present a two semester-long project with solar car technology at this year’s TXST Innovation Lab, an exclusive look at student projects and innovation. The Innovation Lab features more than a dozen student teams who’s work ranges from media, engineering, design and health. Daniel Caballero, […]

Preview: HEXDesign brings dating, health care apps to TXST Innovation Lab

What’s next in dating and health care smartphone apps, and how does one design for certain demographics or disabilities? Communication design majors and recent graduates at Texas State University took on this unique challenge in their project, HEXDesign, which will be presented during the TXST Innovation Lab at SXSW. HEXDesign is a collective of eight […]

Preview: Immersive Horror Experiences

Learn how haunted houses, spooky attractions and the earliest forms of experiential horror stories affect horror cinema, and how one artist is archiving these experiences as they begin to fade into history.