Scott Thomas

Digitally rebranding the Republican Party

After Michael Steele became chairman of the Republican National Committee, he said he would not only have the Republican party catch up with the Democrats, but surpass them in the technological space. And one look at the old could tell you that to do that they would have to start from scratch. “I’m not […]

What Happens when the New York Times Dies?

The clash between legacy media and new media came alive Saturday as David Carr, of the New York Times, and Markos Moulitsas, the founder of Daily Kos, argued about the relevance, the importance and the place of the revered paper. While the debate got heated, both sides were civil as Carr debated Moulitsas’ arguement whether or not the New York […]

Fiemann and Platt

“Tenure is broken and it’s holding universities back,” said the panelists at “Universities in the Free Era. Glenn Platt from the Miami University Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies and Peg Faimon from Miami University Design Collaborative talked about why they see the traditional university structure collapsing. Platt said tenure holds universities back the most. When he […]

The Era of Crowdsourcing

In the past two years crowdsourcing has often popped up as a Web 2.0 buzz word, but there are a few important questions that few have asked since the discussion on the phenomenon started: what exactly entails crowdsourcing and is it sustainable? That’s exactly what Scott Belsky, of behence, and Jeffrey Kalmikoff, of Digg and […]