Sarah Hopper
An Interview with Jessica Salinas @ newera portfolio
While waiting for the keynote panel @ SXSW to start with Seth Priebatsch at SCVNGR , I spoke with Jessica Salinas who works for newera portfolio. This is a company based out of Austin,Texas. Jessica is the social media specialist for the company and also a social media junkie. This is her first year at […]
Brave New World: Debating Brands’ Role as Publishers
Preview Panel – The Future Enernet: A Conversation with Bob Metcalfe

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Bob Metcalfe – inventor of Ethernet, internet pioneer, 3com founder and many other pretty remarkable things. Mr. Metcalfe has now started his fifth career as Professor of Innovation in the Electrical Engineering department at the University of Texas. I had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Metcalfe about his upcoming panel […]
Preview – Diversity in the Digital Age
The Digital age is something that has developed dramatically over the years. There are so many different people with a variety of interests who are doing several different things in the digital age. Society works so hard to create diversity but with digital works being everywhere are we really even giving people the opportunity to […]