Mairi Vannella

Interview with Jacque Meyers

I finally managed to find the Booz Allen setup after searching for two days, and managed to speak with Mrs. Jacque Meyers about the social impact of Booz Allen’s work for their clientele and the people that they serve!

Mairi Vannella's 3rd Day!

I’m getting used to navigating the event! Despite not attending very many panels, I still managed to check out the Booz Allen setup in the Omni Hotel, and managed to catch some cool features at the trade show. My favorite setups had to be both the VR stations held by Texas A&M and The Time […]

Day 2: Mairi Vannella

So walking around Austin is still exhausting. And I didn’t even leave downtown. Therefore, I forced myself to discover the magic of scooters. The fact that they were battery powered made it easier to attend morning panels on human rights, get to trade shows, uncover Booz Allen’s hiding place, and learn the streets of Austin […]

On my first day at SXSW, I was able to attend the “Mitigating Climate Change with reflective Sand Panel?” on March 9th. Leading up to the panel and even afterwards, I had the opportunity to speak with the panelist presenting, Dr. Leslie Field, about the technology and what it means for affecting climate change. Dr. […]

Day 1: What a Flurry!

To say that my first day at SXSW was interesting would not be doing it justice. Getting from Point A to Point B was rough at times, and trying to figure out venue and panel logistics was a whole new ball game, whether it was actually trying to get a decent spot in line or […]

In 1983, Tim Berners-Lee made public the World Wide Web, believing that something so great should be shared and made accessible for all. That ideology has spilled into other areas of digital and tech industry, be it in the design of new and innovative forms of communication or in studying how tech evolution has changed […]