Jordon Brown


After a week of SXSWEdu and another of SXSWi and even a few music shows just for good measure, it is safe to say my brain was a bit fuzzy. It took a few days to recover…okay it’s possible I still haven’t recovered yet, but I also had the most amazing week of my life. […]

SXSW Cares and Dropshades

After the horrific events of Thursday night, many in the SXSW community were understandably shaken up. A lot of people wondered exactly how they could help. The Blood Center of Central Texas put out a call for blood donations, and the next day their lobby was full of Austinites doing their part. It wasn’t just […]

The Film Community Insiders

The Alamo Drafthouse is the most culturally branded theater in the country. This film community has allowed the Drafthouse to expand their vision well past Austin, with theaters in Kansas City, New York, and Virginia to name a few. At SXSW, Tim League CEO of the Alamo Drafthouse and Drafthouse Films got together with Eric […]

Takei's Take: George Takei at SXSW

Social media is like the Star Trek metaphor, it unites humanity. That’s how actor and activist George Takei sees the future, and he should know, he played Hikaru Sulu in the original series of Star Trek. Takei spoke at SXSW about a range of topics. He talked about the internment camp he and his family […]

Turn Texas Blue

At 5 p.m. on the last day of SXSWi, one wouldn’t expect to find a lively panel full of people, all ready to talk, discuss, and share stories, but that was exactly what happened in Can Stories Turn Texas Blue? Digital Media And HB2. Jessica Luther and Julie Gillis were two of the hundreds of […]