Cindy Royal

So, all four of us covering SXSW Interactive for this blog today are in the same panel- Quit Your Day Job and Vlog. And I don’t think I’ll be quitting my job. Well, that is, if I had one. However, here are a few photos and clips from the panel. I’m going to leave it […]

I’m live blogging from inside SXSW. The first panel of my SXSW experience was Quit Your Day Job and Vlog, which is a panel about people who want to make vlogging their day job, duh. The panelists have made a career out of vlogging, and have experienced relative success. The panel opened up with Pirates […]

Went to the Convention Center, picked up my badge. Didn’t have too long a wait, things seemed a bit more organized than in the past, but it could have had something to do with the time. Jumped in the 5pm session entitled Respect! What a great way to start off the week. Panelists were superstar […]

Hey All! So after a tough round of choices–most notably ditching a talk on Roman influences and the web–I picked my slate. The talks tomorrow include: Creating Findable Rich Media ContentThe Talk with Henry Jenkins and Steven JohnsonRedrum in the Rue Morgue:Collaboration in International Communities [Gawd what a great name!]Social Network Coups: The Users are […]

Whew! Grabbed my badge and my bag of goodies and managed to spot one Interactive celebrity – Heather Armstrong, who blogs at Dooce. Armstrong’s fame can be traced back to 2002 when she was fired from her job for things she’d blogged, igniting a firestorm of discussion about privacy. While I was aware of the […]

I just wanted to highlight this bit from the 15 Last-Minute Tips for SXSW Interactive: SXSW has produced a nifty video to orient you to the layout of activities for SXSW at the Austin Convention Center. Check it out! Fazia Rizvi

Sunday I began the process of decompressing from another SXSW. Just think, only six months until ACLFest. As I began to sift through the 1s and 0s I had collected during the course of SXSW, I realized the images ranged from Mark Cuban & that other guy to Moby.Here are but a few of the […]