Cindy Royal

I decided to skip the keynote and check out the panel on Online Extremism. 2:13 pm- Mohamad Hluchan – Jihadists and Cybercrime: Emerging Synergies (That’s him there on the left.) iDefense is his company, and they focus on cyber-based intelligence. They have more than 30 full-time researchers and more than 400 contributors throughout the world. […]

Well that’s cute. Jeff Jarvis and his son. WOW identical. Myself and the Jarv-ster. At the first panel, a video blogger filming himself asking a question. A note on style at SXSW… Interactive isn’t the most glamorous or trendy place to be, style-wise. A lot of people dressed for comfort (I’m in jeans and chucks), […]

I couldn’t find the room for the panel about getting users to contribute content so I ducked into a panel about Geo cache games… which ended up being very interesting.   I had heard of the traditional GPS treasure hunt type thing, but these guys took it way beyond that by meshing GPS, new technologies, […]

I spoke with Lisa Donavan briefly Saturday morning… She was nice. From her Youtube content she got a gig with MadTV.  These are some other guyz who also got picked up due to their own content.  They are on SNL now.  They also made a movie.  Chris Troutman

The Suxorz This panel featured Steve Hall, Jeff Jarvis, Rebecca Lieb, and Charlotte Selles. Moderator Henry Copeland went down the line, letting the panelists nominate one ad or campaign that was either unethical or just plain crap from companies during 2007. ROUND 1 First nominee is Molson. They used their Facebook account to get people […]

How do you navigate this emerging digital landscape? What are the economics of it, and will it save you money? The number of digital screens is increasing. Weilder-Blues Bros approach-carried around server wherever he went and showed the film. Used sns to drive people to the screenings. Head Trauma-2006 release. Wintner-2008, infrastructure not there for […]