Cindy Royal

I have to start out by thanking Cindy Royal for giving us the chance to cover something as cutting edge as SXSW Interactive. The event was my first real press-like event to cover and it turned out to be a great learning experience. The Onion panel was definitely the highlight of the days events. I […]

I’m a huge fan. I read Convergence Culture to do a review on it for Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, and I got to see Henry Jenkins at the Association of Internet Researchers in Vancouver last October. I have been evangelizing about him ever since. I am most impressed with they way he talks about […]

Walked a bit around Screenburn Arcade an open platform of exhibitors and tournaments, part of SXSW’s presentations on the newest developments in the gaming industry. I’m glad to see that SXSW has a gaming element to it. (This wasn’t much a part of SXSW when I attended in 2000.) The convergence of new media and […]

Here’s a video the Onion showed at their presentation. Among the best lines was, “Big budgets stifle creativity. A smaller budget forces creativity.” Ninja Parade Slips Through Town Unnoticed Once Again Marc Speir

This is my “in anticipation for the Onion panel” post.Since looking at the schedule a few weeks ago, this has been the one panel I have looked forward to the most. I think I may have done that embarrassing get-excited-when-you’re-by-yourself jump and semi-squeal when I saw it on the schedule. I have a had a […]

I know I’ve been a bit absent on the blog over the past couple of days. Saturday, I distributed equipment to the students attending, which left me with only a camcorder to record the days events. But, I am so proud of the work that the students have accomplished so far. The breadth and depth […]

Hello again, Okay, the audience of the international panel was a lot more diverse than the panel. In fact I had to get Fazia in the shot to get a little global rep in my photo: The panel on international communities included 3 Americans, a Brit, and a Portuguese moderator. Hey, two continents is kinda […]