Cindy Royal

I checked out one Book Reading at SXSW: The Second Life Herald When a virtual journalist for a virtual newspaper reporting on the digital world of an online game lands on the real-world front page of the New York Times, it just might signal the dawn of a new era. Virtual journalist Peter Ludlow was […]

As an anthropologist, this panel was, of course, intriguing to me. Expanding beyond your own comfortable perceptions of the world is a difficult thing for most people, and the software and gaming industry are running into the usual (and some unusual) problems as they expand beyond the U.S.: ‘Redrum in the Rue Morgue’: Collaboration in […]

In Google rankings, roughly 80 percent is what people are saying about you and 20% is what you are saying about yourself. (Biggest thing is your title tag) Good content gets links, don’t let Search Engine Optimizers (SEOs) write your content. SEOs are basically made up of failed journalists. Write it yourself or hire a […]

The LOLWUT ( panel is giving out cheeseburgers. LOL no wai! Teh Internetz R serious biznes. For more on the Lolcat phenomenon, check out the entry at Wikipedia. This was a fantastic (and funny) panel on the contradictions of this successful site. Fazia Rizvi

This was my first session, so I missed a good bit and most of the stuff being discussed went over my head, but one of the panelist did succeed in catching my attention. Joe Sanders , a writer for books, magazines, TV and the Website. Sanders wanted to try out a new theory – basically […]

There have been a couple posts already on the infamous Mark Z interview with Sarah Lacy. My thoughts – I have never been more proud of the 23 year-old Facebook genius. His answers to what were kind of questions, were smart, casual, and consistent. He never strayed from the Facebook mission – to help people […]