Cindy Royal

Panelists: (L-R) Adam Conner, Facebook; Julie Barko Germany, Director, Graduate School of Political Management, George Wash. Univ. (Moderator); Colin Delany,; Tanya Tarr, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; and Patrick Ruffini, Ruffni Strategies. So this one was a no-brainer, even if you’ve just met me for a few minutes, you know I […]

At the first panel of the day on Monday, during the Q&A portion of the Beyond the Blogosphere panel, audience member takes shot at Sarah Lacy. I’ll expand on the panel later. jac

Peter Semmelhack-Founder/CEO, Bug Labs.Father refuses to use an ATM.Home Depot as a platform, beginning of diy model.Has own version of Long Tail, the Pizza Tail.Idea began after 9/11 when he wanted a gps device in NYC.Difficult to bring a gadget to market feasibly.Gadgets are a hit based business, you have to sell millions if you […]

This one is about how advertisers can leverage word-of-mouth via user-generated video. The solo panelist is Daphne Kwon from ExpoTV. She had some pretty interesting insights about engaging users that I think are as relevant for corporate blogs as they are to video. It really is about giving up control and providing tools to support […]

Kathy Sierra of the blog Creating Passionate Users, returned to SXSW after a tough year. Just after last year’s conference, she received some graphic online threats which caused her an understandable amount of distress. She canceled some appearances and stopped blogging. It is terrifying to think that these are the things with which one has […]

I have not yet had a chance to prepare my thoughts on the Zuckerberg keynote, but I couldn’t resist getting this posted. Sarah Lacy makes so many inaccurate comments here. She incorrectly categorizes SXSW as a “developer conference,” when it is attended by a diverse, intelligent, and insightful audience that includes designers, journalists, students, educators, […]

Wandered around the SXSW Tradeshow, getting my geek on: Knowbility is a great organization and I’ve had a chance to go to their Access U several times now. “Knowbility’s mission is to support the independence of children and adults with disabilities by promoting the use and improving the availability of accessible information technology.” Here some […]