Cindy Royal

Published this morning on A pretty accurate account of the interview with some specific reactions of industry leaders, including the director of SXSW – Hugh Forrest. Theresa Fore

Thinking about a startup? It crosses my mind quite often. The panel on feeding your startup was very informative. It delved into the logistics of finding the money and the crew to take a startup to the next level.  Chere Heintzmann, chief marketing officer for Walt Disney and venture capitalist, said teams that are passionate […]

Three really smart guys trying to launch a social network based on smiley faces and HOWDIES! Two guys are from Carnegie-Mellon. A lot of this didn’t really seem to hit a note and I don’t think it was just me. The panel did not seem to be to prepared to deliver their message. They did […]

Digital Natives is reporting on the Twittering and Digging in Action at SXSWi. For those who aren’t familiar with Twitter, check out this explanation. And feel free to “follow” me (faziarizvi) if you add Twitter. Fazia Rizvi

I’m in the midst of two talks about volunteerism in the new media age. Posts and pics to come, but I’m off to the second half right now. For those in the Visual Media seminar last year, I did have a chance to talk with the National Geographic webmaster about the PhotoVoice project. While unfamilar […]

This was an interesting panel regarding distribution of DVDs, primarily from the independent filmmakers perspective. One mega-distributor was on hand and took a few shots from the small guys. Gotta put it to the man whenever you can. The talk was mostly centered around the independent and documentary filmmakers getting their material released to an audience. […]

Cindy and the SXSW team were awesome enough to put Sunday, Jon, and myself on the guest list last night for the Web Awards (or “Webbies” as Sunday says is the industry term). Eugene Mirman hosted the event and was pretty hilarious. Not quite as funny though as the Ninja that accepted awards for those […]