Cindy Royal

“Let’s Get Serious: Should Video Games Replace College?” Hmm… Sorry Link and Dee, I think I disagree.  A more apt title for this panel should have been “Let’s Get Serious: Should We Be Investing More Resources into Video Games Than Teachers?” On the video games for education panel Aliza Gold, Coordinator of the Digital Media Collaboratory […]

Hello All! I’m sitting here in my first panel which explores the question: “Should videogames replace college?” It’s super duper interesting and its a really great mix of panelists, which include game designers, administrators and even a young high school student. Dee Kapila

[Adapt or Die: Volunteerism in Web 2.0. Maybe the best panel so far.] Well, it’s late but I can digest a bit of the two panels from earlier today. The big news seems to be that non-prof heavies–like the American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, and National Geographic–have realized the value in user generated content […]

In a previous post, I discussed the poor quality of the interviewer during the Mark Zuckerberg keynote. Now, I’ll take a moment to discuss his comments during the interview and the subsequent Developer Garage on Monday. First of all, I am extremely impressed with Zuckerberg’s intelligence and thoughtfulness. He seems like a very insightful young […]

After a long day at SXSW the group and I decided to end the day in true Texas fashion with some Que and beer at Iron Works BBQ. It seems Mark Zuckerberg had the same thing in mind, proof that great minds really do think alike. After settling his tab he humbly walked passed our […]

The main emphasis of this panel was to discuss the future of textbooks, and how online and digital technologies can resolve many of the problems that students and schools face in providing this information. The panelists were Melissa Hagemann from the Open Society Institute, Richard Baraniuk of Rice University, Samuel Klein from the One Laptop […]

Okay, I plan a big post on the volunteer panels, which had some excellent bits and gave me multiple leads on a Texas Monthly article I’ve been kicking around since September. Been held up by lack of a Texas focus, but that largely changed today. Anyway, about Mark. We had dinner at Iron Works after […]