Cindy Royal

SXSWi Meetup at Shangri-La

And, they’re off.  The SXSWi kickoff party was a huge success. You could already feel the enthusiasm building for what is shaping up to be a fantastic conference, just 16 days away. Here are the some of the members of our team kicking back and getting ready for the big event. More on the Photos […]

Four Days of Tech Rock Stars

I look forward to SXSWi all year long. When it’s over I’m sad. I’ve attended for years, and it just keeps getting better and better. This year, I am very excited to hear from Chris Anderson, editor of Wired and author of the book The Long Tail and the upcoming title Free. Anderson has a […]

This blog, hosted by graduate students in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University in San Marcos, will showcase activities at the 2009 South By Southwest Interactive Conference in Austin, TX. I would like to thank the organizers of SXSW for giving us the opportunity to participate and for sponsoring this […]

Part I Part II Many thanks to all the students who took part in this exercise. It was fun! If you are having trouble with any of the embedded videos on this blog, visit our YouTube channel at

Call me a glutton for punishment…the Interactive Conference concluded on Tuesday, but I was back at the Convention Center on Wed. for the opening of the Music portion. Two panels peaked my interest. The Best Online Resources for Musicians included a power panel of social media execs, folks from MySpace, SonicBids, YouTube, Bebo,, and […]

You may want to catch up on the Dr. Jane McGonigal talk before reading this. I want to start by saying I hold a great deal of respect for Dr. McGonigal, her passion, and her drive. However, I believe her premise as stated at SXSW contains fundamental flaws. She believes that ARG’s should exist to […]

Pictured above, Dee and Jon chat live during Jane McGonigal’s session. Read the full transcript. Although this is likely not the final post, I’d like to do my wrap up by thanking all the students who worked so hard during this exercise. They gave up part of their Spring Break to participate, and I hope […]